Country Acres


MW-DC Total


Battery (MWh)


Commercial Operation



This project is a partnership with the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD). Construction is slated to begin in Fall 2024. The project will feature both photovoltaic (PV) power generation and battery energy storage solutions (BESS). This ensures low-cost, emission-free energy is generated and stored for use when it is needed, regardless of weather conditions.

Visit SMUD's website for additional information.

Innovative Land Uses

This project includes an agrivoltaic pilot project in conjunction with the University of California, Davis. The agrivoltaic project will provide real-world testing of food production co-located alongside PV panels.

The project will also leverage herd animals for vegetation management.

Site Map

Site Map of Country Acres Project

Construction Schedule

This timeline is an estimate and subject to change. For specific questions, contact the project team.


Will there be other activities on this project besides generating solar power?

Yes. Clēnera and SMUD are partnering with the University of California, Davis to conduct agrivoltaic research on part of the solar farm, including experimental produce farming. Herd animals, likely sheep, will also be used for vegetation management. The vegetative mix will include native herbaceous hedgerows, grasses, clover, and California poppy to promote pollinator-friendly habitat.

Who is receiving the energy produced at this project?

Clēnera has entered into a power purchase agreement with the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) to buy the clean energy produced at this solar farm.

Who owns the land for this project?

Clēnera is leasing the land for this project from private property owners and SMUD.